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ABSTRACT Problem Statement/Background (GAP): The emergence of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 (Technological Development) demands that the competence of apparatus resources be further improved. As well as competency development that has not been maximized and has not been consistent as a basic for research. Purpose: The aim of this research is to look at the implementation of competency development in BKD Jepara Regency. The theory used by Melayu Hasibuan (2019) is that the development of apparatus competence is carried out through 3 methods of education, training and transfer. The approach chosen by the author uses a qualitative approach. Result: show that competency development through formal education for employees is good, with an increase in employees implementing study permits each year. However, there are still some employees who do not have the motivation and awareness to develop themselves. The results of the training were quite good, with basic technical training still being inconsistent every year. Mutations obtained quite good results based on placing employees who did not fully comply with the principle of right man on the right place which can be seen from the educational background which was not yet in line with the workload. Inhibiting Factors; Overlapping rules, the budget provided is not sufficient because there are many needs, motivation is still low among employees. Efforts made; improve and change the position rules, organizational structure, duties and functions and procedures of BKD to become Regency BKPSDM, collaboration with other parties, especially on ASN competency development activities, provide motivation through a meeting program every Monday and through a personal approach from the leadership. Conclusion: The competency development carried out at BKD Jepara Regency has been carried out quite well by providing education and training as well as implementing a transfer system based on performance productivity. However, it is still acknowledged that it is not optimal and needs to be improved again. Keywords: development, competence, apparatus resources ABSTRAK Permasalahan/Latar Belakang (GAP): Munculnya revolusi Industri 4.0 (Perkembangan Tekhnologi) menuntut kompetensi sumber daya aparatur lebih ditingkatkan. Serta pengembangan kompetensi yang belum maksimal dan belum 2 konsisten menjadi dasar penelitian. Tujuan: dari penelitian ini untuk mendeskirpsikan pelaksanaan pengembangan kompetensi di BKD Kabupaten Jepara. Teori yang digunakan Melayu Hasibuan (2019) pengembangan kompetesi aparatur dilakukakan melalui 3 cara pendidikan, pelatihan, dan mutasi. Pendekatan yang dipiih penulis menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil Temuan: menunjukan pengembangan kompetensi melalui pendidkan formal yang dimiliki oleh pegawai sudah baik dengan kenaikan pegawai yang melaksanakan izin belajar tiap tahunnya. Namun masih saja terdapat beberapa pegawai yang belum mendapatkan motivasi dan kesadaran untuk mengembangkan diri. Pelatihan didapatkan hasil cukup baik dengan dasar pelatihan teknis masih inkosisten tiap tahunya. Mutasi didapatkan hasil cukup baik didasarkan dari menempatkan pegawai belum seutuhnya sesuai prinsip right man on the righ place yang dapat dilihat dari latar belakang pedidikan yang belum seusai dengan beban kerja. Faktor Penghambat; Aturan yang tumpang tindih, anggaran yang diberikan belum cukup dikarena banyak nya kebutuhan, motivasi yang masih rendah dikalangan pegawai Upaya yang Dilakukan; memperbaiki dan mengubah aturan kedudukan, susunan organisasi, tugas, dan fungsi serta tata terja BKD menjadi BKPSDM Kabupaten, kerjasama dengan pihak lain khususnya pada kegiatan pengembangan kompetensi ASN. Memberikan motivasi melalui program meeting setiap hari senin dan melalui pendekatan personal pimpinan. Kesimpulan: Pengembangan kompetensi yang dilaksankan di BKD Kabupaten Jepara telah dilaksanakan dengan cukub baik dengan pemberian pendidikan dan pelatihan serta pelaksanaan sistem mutasi yang didasarkan produktifitas kinerja. Namun masih diakui belum maksimal dan pelu untuk di tingkatkan kembali. Kata Kunci : pengembangan, kompetensi, sumber daya
Item Type: | Thesis (Other) |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > H Social Sciences (General) |
Divisions: | Faculty of Goverment Management > Public Sector Human Resource Management |
Depositing User: | Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia Sektor Publik FMP |
Date Deposited: | 05 Jun 2024 03:05 |
Last Modified: | 05 Jun 2024 03:05 |
URI: | http://eprints.ipdn.ac.id/id/eprint/17758 |
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