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Abstract Problem/Background (GAP): problems that occur in public information services in various regions, namely regarding technical feasibility, financial and economic budgets, political support and support from implementing organizations regarding website implementation. The website in Sikka Regency still has pages that cannot be accessed and also findings from OMBUDSMAN stating that public services in Sikka Regency are still moderate. Purpose: the purpose of this study is to describe and obtain an overview of how technical feasibility, economic and financial feasibility, political support and support from implementing organizations are in implementing the website as a medium for public information services. Methods: The method used is descriptive qualitative with an inductive approach. Data obtained from interviews with informants as well as by conducting documentation reviews and direct observations in the field based on Bardach's theory. The application of the website in providing public information services has not gone well because there are several problems. Results/Findings: Research results regarding technical feasibility where procedures in public information services have been running well, for the quality of the website is not good in providing the latest data and has not been integrated with public service applications and also other regional device websites, for technology it is not yet good in website services and technical experts who are already quite good. financial and economic feasibility, there is a budget for it but it is shared with radio management and there is no income from website services. Regarding political support, there is no local government regulation regarding public information services and the lack of website visitors. The support from the implementing organization has not been said to be good, even though the ability of the employees to provide good service has not been supported by an appropriate office to use. Conclusion: The conclusion is that the application of the website in Sikka Regency in providing information services to the public has not been maximized. Keywords: service, public information, website Abstrak Problem/Background (GAP): permasalahan yang terjadi dalam layanan informasi publik di berbagai daerah yakni mengenai kelayakan teknis, anggaran finansial dan ekonomi, dukungan politis serta dukungan organisasi pelaksana mengenai penerapan website. Website di Kabupaten Sikka masih terdapat halaman yang belum dapat diakses dan juga temuan dari OMBUDSMAN menyatakan bahwa pelayanan publik di Kabupaten Sikka masih sedang. Tujuan: tujuan dari penelitian ini yakni mendeskripsikan serta memperoleh gambaran mengenai bagaimana kelayakan teknis, kelayakan ekonomi dan finansial, dukungan politis serta dukungan organisasi pelaksana dalam penerapan website sebagai media layanan informasi publik. Metode: Metode yang digunakan yakni deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan induktif. Data yang diperoleh dari hasil wawancara dengan informan serta dengan melakukan tinjauan dokumentasi dan observasi secara langsung di lapangan yang berpedoman pada teori Bardach. Penerapan website dalam melakukan layanan informasi publik belum berjalan dengan baik karena terdapat beberapa permasalahan. Hasil/Temuan: hasil Penelitian mengenai kelayakan teknis dimana prosedur dalam pelayanan informasi publik sudah berjalan dengan baik, untuk kualitas website belum baik dalam pemberian data-data terbaru serta belum terintegrasi dengan aplikasi pelayanan publik dan juga website perangkat daerah lainnya, untuk teknologi belum baik dalam pelayanan website serta ahli teknis yang sudah tergolong baik. kelayakan finansial dan ekonomi sudah adanya anggaran untuk tetapi dibagi dengan pengelolaan radio serta belum ada pemasukan dari layanan website. Mengenai dukungan politis belum ada regulasi pemerintah daerah terkait layanan informasi publik serta masih minimnya pengunjung website. Untuk dukungan dari organisasi pelaksana juga belum dikatakan baik meskipun kemampuan pegawai dalam pelayanan baik namun belum didukung oleh kantor yang layak untuk digunakan. Kesimpulan: Kesimpulan bahwa penerapan website di Kabupaten Sikka dalam memberikan layanan informasi kepada masyarakat belum maksimal. Kata Kunci : layanan, informasi publik, website
Item Type: | Thesis (Diploma) |
Subjects: | T Technology > T Technology (General) T Technology > T Technology (General) > T201 Patents. Trademarks |
Depositing User: | Teknologi Rekayasa Informasi Pemerintahan FMP |
Date Deposited: | 30 Jun 2022 03:21 |
Last Modified: | 30 Jun 2022 03:21 |
URI: | http://eprints.ipdn.ac.id/id/eprint/10467 |
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