Pengembangan Model Rantai Pasok Produk Mudah Rusak dengan Mempertimbangkan Kualitas

  • Ika Sartika Institut Pemerintahan Dalam Negeri


 The main process of manufacturing supply chain is flow of goods from raw material supplier to finished goods customer. In this flow of goods, transportation is very important with minimized cost as performance indicator. Another phenomenon can be seen that time is less sensitif to product quality, it means that delivery delay doesn’t lead to quality decreased. In perishable product supply chain, time is very sensitif to product quality. The delivery delay can cause product value is decreased even zero. So, maximized value is become important performance indicator. To maintain perishable product’s quality is needed technological effort that can decrease the rate of deteriorate. It’s consequencies to rise supply chain cost, so the research question are how related tranportation and packaging technologies to quality and stakeholder’s profit, and then can be tried effective policy intervention to increase supply chain performance. The earlier researches about perishable products focus on time or cost as performance indicator. The relationship of those peformance indicators with quality was lack. This paper tries to fill the gap through the proof of relationship between quality, cost (price), and delivery. In this paper, fish supply chain was explored as an example of perishable product while demonstrating the interaction between quality, cost and delivery using dynamic simulation modeling in fish supply chain. The first step of modeling was the understanding about real system, and then the creating of conceptual model that shows interaction among stakeholder in fish supply chain. These interactions became input to create subsystem and causal loop diagram which was necessary in
simulation. Before running simulation, model formulation was done that consist of flow diagram and mathematics formulation created as simulation input. From the dynamic simulation can be concluded that the replacement of transportation mode and packaging are proven can maintain product quality so it still can be accepted by customers. This is seen from quality value at supply chain party after transportation mode and packaging replacement tends better, at least the same with the beginning condition, it means no quality reduction. But, in the same time, the replacement of transportation mode and packaging lead to supply chain total cost increasement, especially at distributor. So, the replacement of transportation mode and packaging implementation with the aim to maintain product quality should be done as soon as possible before the rising of new technology that is more economic. Intervention can be done through the providing of tranportation medium and infrastructure that are adequate, although in implementing there is a delay.          


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How to Cite
SARTIKA, Ika. Pengembangan Model Rantai Pasok Produk Mudah Rusak dengan Mempertimbangkan Kualitas. Journal of Logistics & Supply Chain Management, [S.l.], v. 2, n. 2, p. 82-101, july 2017. ISSN 1979-0686. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 28 dec. 2019.