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ABSTRACK Problem Statement/Background (GAP): Population problems are serious problems faced by various regions, one of which is Aceh province. High fertility rates from mortality will have a devastating impact on poverty levels, causing a national food crisis. The government's efforts in controlling the rate of growth/population are implementing the Family-Planning Program (KB-). Birth control programs direct families to use contraceptives to delay or prevent unexpected pregnancies. Purpose: This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of family planning programs in Meuraxa District, Banda Aceh City. Method: This research method uses a qualitative descriptive method with an inductive approach. Data collection was carried out by interviews, observation, and documentation, which was carried out at the Office of Women's Empowerment, Child Protection, Control. Population and Family Planning (DP3AP2KB). Banda Aceh City, as well as the Location of Family Planning Meuraxa District. Results: The results of this study were analyzed using Sutriisno's effectiveness theory using the variables Program Understanding., Right, Target, right. Time achieved. Programs and changes. Real with various indicators on the implementation of family planning socialization programs in Meuraxa sub-district, Banda Aceh City. Based on this, it was found that the family planning program carried out in Meuraxa District has been running quite effectively as there are various parties who actively take part in the implementation of this program, and it is proven through data on the decrease in the percentage of the number. residents of Banda City. Aceh Year 2019. until 2022. However, there are also inhibiting factors that hinder this program from becoming more optimal, namely the lack of public interest and the lack of budget that is useful for developing family planning programs based on national family planning provisions. Conclusion: that the family planning program carried out in Meuraxa District has been running quite effectively as there are various parties who actively take part in the implementation of this program, and it is proven through data on the percentage decrease in the number. residents of Banda City. Aceh Year 2019. until 2022. Keywords: effectiveness, family planning program, population growth, population. ABSTRAK Permasalahan/Latar Belakang (GAP): Permasalahan kependudukan ialah permasalahan serius yang dihadapi berbagai daerah, salah satunya provinsi Aceh. Tingginya angka fertilitas dari mortalitas akan membawa dampak buruk pada taraf kemiskinan, menyebabkan krisis pangan nasional. Upaya ‘pemerintah dalam mengendalikan laju pertumbuhan/ penduduk ialah melaksanakan Program Keluarga- Berencana (KB-). Program KB mengarahkan keluarga menggunakan alat kontrasepsi untuk menunda atau mencegah kehamilan yang tidak diharapkan. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis efektifitas program KB di Kecamatan Meuraxa Kota Banda Aceh. Metode: Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif .kualitatif dengan pendekatan induktif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara., observasi dan dokumentasi, yang diilakukan di Dinas Pemberdayaan Perempuan Perlindungan Anak Pengendalian. Penduduk dan Keluarga Berencana (DP3AP2KB). Kota Banda Aceh, serta Lokasi Keluarga Berencana Kecamatan Meuraxa. Hasil/Temuan: Hasil dari penelitian ini dianalisis menggunakan teori efektifitas dari Sutriisno menggunakan variabel Pemahaman Program., Tepat, Sasaran, Tepat. Waktu, Tercapainya. Program Dan Perubahan. Nyata dengan berbagai indikator pada pelaksanaan program sosialisasi KB di kecamatan Meuraxa Kota Banda Aceh. Berdasarkan hal tersebut didapati bahwa program KB yang dijalankan di Kecamatan Meuraxa telah berjalan cukup efektif seperti halnya terdapat berbagai pihak yang turut aktif mengambil peran pada pelaksanaan program ini, dan dibuktikan melalui data penurunan persentase jumlah. penduduk Kota Banda. Aceh Tahun 2019. hingga 2022. Meskipun demikian didapati juga faktor penghambat yang menghambat program ini menjadi lebih optimal yaitu kurangnya minat masyarakat dan minimnya anggaran yang berguna untuk mengembangkan program KB berdasarkan ketentuan KB nasional. Kesimpulan: bahwa program KB yang dijalankan di Kecamatan Meuraxa telah berjalan cukup efektif seperti halnya terdapat berbagai pihak yang turut aktif mengambil peran pada pelaksanaan program ini, dan dibuktikan melalui data penurunan persentase jumlah. penduduk Kota Banda. Aceh Tahun 2019. hingga 2022. Kata Kunci : Efektivitas, Program KB, Pertumbuhan Penduduk, Penduduk.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Subjects: H Social Sciences > H Social Sciences (General)
Depositing User: Studi Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil FPM
Date Deposited: 13 Jul 2023 03:44
Last Modified: 13 Jul 2023 03:44
URI: http://eprints.ipdn.ac.id/id/eprint/14953

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